A park has its perks.
Partnerships and grants have already been provided to help fund the creation of additional parks, open space and landscaped walking paths.
Bloomhaven is where we grow, together. When we embarked on our journey to revitalize the Bardwell neighborhood, we noticed a lack of open space and parks in the neighborhood: we’re fixing that with new walking paths, landscaped open space, and a new neighborhood park. We come together on the green to create the community we all crave.
This enhanced living experience is truly unique. After an era of division and deficiency, new connections bloom. Bloomhaven will be seamlessly connected to the surrounding neighborhood through the system of landscaped walking paths, fostering connectivity, livability and a superior quality of life.

A New Community Amenity
Everyone grows with the Greenspace at Bloomhaven. To better integrate and reconnect the campus and Bardwell Elementary to the surrounding neighborhood, landscaped walked paths are built in along the perimeter and interior of the campus.
The Fox Valley Park District has committed to funding the completion of this new neighborhood park and playground area, after it received a grant from the State of Illinois Department of Natural Resources.
The Fox Valley Special Recreation Association (FVSRA) assisted in this accessible park to help empower people with disabilities to participate in therapeutic recreation and leisure activities, which are essential to a rich life.
The new play area will be open to the neighborhood and residents of Bloomhaven.